Showing 8 Result(s)

Restaurant Hygiene Prediction

This was a school project developed after studying the yelp dataset. Throughout the semester there were different assignments to explore the dataset and gain more practical and analytical skills such as creating visuals like this. In the end, I decided to create a crowdsourced restaurant review site prototype with the dataset and made it a …

Interactive Display

This project is developed to showcase student projects of an institute in an interactive way to attract visitors during publicity events. It acts as a frontend to loads data from a database and display accordingly. I have developed it with C# using Unity.

Presentation Evaluation System

I have developed this application using C# and Unity with computer vision techniques to capture a presenter’s head orientation, emotion, and voice levels. The application draws the visual indicator and graphs in real-time and supports saving and loading. The vision of the project would be using these data to eventually train a machine learning model …

Face Mask

This was a personal project developed for studying the course Computer Vision for Faces. I was interested in computer vision and decided to pick up some knowledge of it. The project was required to pass the course and obtain the digital certificate. The application purpose was to obtain a person’s face and apply it to …

Interactive Learning Application

This project was developed for an institute’s arboriculture students where they could learn about tree inspection and operation safety with scenarios that were not easily found in real life. The main application of the project was a VR CAVE system using 4 projected screens with transformation that follow the user eyes’ position to create an …

Interactive Visualization

The project was developed for promotional campaigns of landmark development before the construction completes. The application was developed for a generic use to browse around a targeted location with configurable points of interest. The lower left menu was also configurable with callbacks to trigger other functions needed after clicking. The application had added AR capabilities …

Interactive Entertainment

This application was developed for an office’s internal use. It was for their staff leisure entertainment. The hardware was installed in the hallway entrance of the office. In the main scene, it was used to count the staff currently in office. When a person is detected entering the office, a mini figure will talk into …

Mobile Mini Games

These games were developed using C# and Unity. It was during a time when single-tap games were extremely popular (e.g. Flappy Bird, Timberman, 100 Balls, .etc). My duty as a junior software developer in a game publishing company was to recreate these games with another theme trying to increase the userbase of their platform.